Essential American Wisdom

Progressive Fascism: America’s Soul In Crisis

As a simple matter of fundamental physics, every process that expends energy requires an ongoing supply of fuel in order to continue or face termination of the process once the supply is exhausted. I grant you that political activism or the pursuit of transformational political, social, or cultural change is not physics as we have come to know it but nonetheless must adhere to the same basic tenets of the principle.

To kick things off, let’s lean into Sir Isaac Newton’s first law of motion which observed that “An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion.” If we wrap around this assertion what he observed in his third law of motion, which states “there is an equal and opposite reaction for every action”, and wedge in between these two his second law -“the force on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration” – we can begin to draw some informed parallels to what underpins today’s Civil War in America and the competing dynamics at play that will ultimately determine its outcome.

The American Nation had been around, as a possession of the British empire, for over 150 years before independence was declared by the British subjects living in America. To some, America was nothing more than a British outpost, to others it was considered an experiment, and to almost everyone around the world, the idea of it ever becoming an independent nation was laughable and doomed to fail. In the minds of those who had lived here since birth and the generations that preceded theirs, however, independence was considered simply the first step.

With Newton’s Laws of motion in mind, consider the accelerating force of the amount (mass) of 150+ years of mounting pressure from the King and Parliament on the lives and welfare of his subjects in the colonies, more or less at rest(not resisting) that had finally had enough and decided to deliver an equal and opposite reaction. When the day came that independence from Britain was declared, the men and women that would lead the fight against their King summoned the courage to do so inspired by their willingness to die in defense of their conviction that there is a higher power than Kings and parliaments, and that each of us is born with the inherent right to life, liberty, and self-determination in our respective pursuits of happiness. Perhaps even more importantly, they believed in the people standing on either side of them in the fight and understood that the strength of the foundation upon which a nation is built lies not with those assigned the task of attending to its affairs, rather it is from those who built and sustain it, and the investment of their blood, sweat, tears, and sacrifice that a nation is nourished and sustains itself in order to survive and thrive.

In our first book, “Unwashed Philosophy: A User’s Guide To Our Imperfect Union”, we discussed at great length the topics of group dynamics and the willful ignorance of the activist class in matters of History, War, and Human Nature. As well, we considered the price our species inevitably pays when it chooses to defy provable physical truth(s). We reminded readers that our Founding Fathers had warned us against depending “on accident and force for our political constitutions” and implored us to be wary of “views, passions and prejudices little favorable to the discovery of truth.” And we went on to share the warnings in Federalist No. 2 where they forcefully insisted that we “should never be split into a number of unsocial, jealous, and alien sovereignties” while, in Federalist No. 6, they made soberly clear the very real probability that, given Mankind’s propensity for “ambitious, vindictive, and rapacious” behavior, only an efficiently run, minimally-invasive, and judiciously managed government would prevent its citizenry from being “subject to the impulses of rage, resentment, jealousy, avarice, and of other irregular and violent propensities.”

The first Civil War proved we had forgotten those lessons, and the one in which we are now engaged reinforces the sad truth that there is no interest within the collective ruling classes to even consider “sustaining thorough and well-reasoned reflection and most honest and vigorous debates”. It is of little comfort to remind ourselves that this is not the first time the American people have been confronted with a war against itself on moral and spiritual grounds, nor is it the first time in our history that our faith in our founding principles and belief in the government designed to defend and sustain us has been shaken. It is, seemingly at least, the first time we have been made to confront the very real possibility that our own people – disavowing everything we have ever stood for – intend to dismantle America and replace it with a Progressive Fascist Authoritarian State.

It is by design that I have conjoined these three words together- Progressive, Fascist, and Authoritarian- because it is the combination of these three ideological influences that have come together and now fuel their coup attempt against the American people. Each of these, individually, poses a potentially lethal threat to the sovereignty of a Nation and its people, but the dangers they present, collectively, are effectively immeasurable. Perhaps worst of all is the volatility of the “Fascist” element of this lethal cocktail because it is the least stable or predictable and most susceptible to spontaneous combustion because of its inherently erratic nature.

It’s important that we take a close look at Fascism first, in part because it has been so terribly misrepresented in America’s current broken public discourse, but most especially because the greatest chance our representative Republic has of surviving this Civil War more or less intact rests almost entirely on understanding this enemy and its design to destroy the nation and redistribute its wealth of human and material resources to the four winds of Globalism’s master plan.

According to Britannica (we don’t do Wikipedia here) Europe’s flavor of Fascism began with Benito Mussolini in 1919. It is suggested that he coined the term “Fascism” (from the Latin word fasces) and that the general principle(s) of Fascism included “extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, belief in a natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (German: “people’s community”), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation.”

Not long after, and not very far away, Adolf Hitler established the Nazi party (National Socialist German Workers’ Party) bringing with him a different sort of Fascism. Though similar in many ways to Mussolini’s Fascism, “Nazism was far more extreme both in its ideas, practices and strong-armed authoritarian tactics. In almost every respect it was an anti-intellectual and atheoretical movement, emphasizing the will of the charismatic dictator as the sole source of inspiration for a people and a nation, as well as a vision of annihilation of all enemies of the Aryan Volk as the one and only goal of Nazi policy.”

It is widely held that, at least in the so-called “between Wars” period, the Fascists held a deep hatred and disdain for Marxism, and to be honest I find that a little amusing, especially when you consider the many things Marxism and Fascism have in common. I could spend 1,000 words on this, but a quick excerpt from a piece written by Dr. James Finck, Associate Professor of History at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma will suffice:
“…do people really know the difference between a fascist and a Marxist? And why is it acceptable to call yourself a Marxist but totally incomprehensible to call yourself a Fascist? Please do not misunderstand me. I am not arguing that we should start calling ourselves Fascists. I have nothing but contempt for the concept. But should we not have similar contempt for Marxism? Since WWII, fascism has always carried a negative connotation. In fact, the term is not really used except as a slight towards opponents (See Trump, Donald J.). The public has understandably denounced any fascist connections. The Nazis did cause WWII and were responsible for the deaths of more than 17 million during the Holocaust. What is puzzling is that if Nazis are to Fascists what communists are to Marxists, then why is it acceptable to associate with communists when they are responsible for the deaths of between 21-70 million people worldwide between all the various Communist regimes over time.
[snip] “…The Great War brought about the destruction that the world had never imagined, leading Italian Fascists to believe liberal democracy had failed, not unlike the communists. Both ideologies have socialist tendencies, believing in state control, but whereas communism is based on class, Fascists used nationalism. Hence, communism is seen as left while fascists are seen as right. Obviously, this is a simplified explanation, but the premise is true. States like the Soviet Union, China, and North Korea used Marxist philosophy to create dictatorships the way the Germans did with Fascism.”

It is my opinion that this brief excerpt from the professor makes abundantly clear – considered objectively – that the current political atmosphere in Joe Biden’s America has all the markings of a rising Fascist state. Having said that, I acknowledge that this claim, on its own, would not be sufficient to convince those having already bought into the “great lie” being said to the American people which insists their motivation is purely guided by the desire to preserve our so-called “democracy”. On its face, this is an outright lie, and looking under the hood a little bit, it is easy enough to recognize that their definition of “democracy” has been conveniently re-framed to mean something other than what the American people have always understood it to represent.

Our friends at Britannica tell us that “democracy”, generically, is defined as “a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting”. This definition presents no controversy; everyone agrees that we vote for our leaders and we have to accept the will of the people once the tallies are completed. But this is where truth ends, and Progressive Fascism begins. And I frame it this way because there has been a long history, more often with Democrats than Republicans, which suggests that acceptance of election tallies is almost never straightforward or without great conflict between opposing sides.

I could write an entirely separate essay on the American history of contested elections but, for my purposes here, I will just casually mention Hillary Clinton’s rejection of the Trump victory and Trump’s rejection of the Biden victory and remind readers that, whichever side you might be on, angst is a normal byproduct of the election process and, in every case, the electorate suffers the consequences of the vanities and self-indulgences put on display by opposing candidates as the spit flies and the pall of bitterness and acrimony is cast over the entire population toward anyone that voted for the person they did not want to win.

This brings us to the nexus between Fascists and Progressives and the insidious poison cocktail that has been poured over the current state of socio-political American affairs that is responsible for lighting the fuse of the Civil War we are now fighting. I decided, after a great deal of “poking around”, that the best place to start searching for root causes really dates back to Trump’s victory in the primaries that pitted him against Hillary Clinton for what would become the 2016 presidential election. In the interest of time and word count, though, I invite you to do your own research, entirely because I don’t want to armchair-litigate the ongoing investigation into the shenanigans that Clinton, Obama, the FBI, and the DOJ were neck-deep in. It seems to me the better place to start is with the 2018 midterms of Trump’s Administration most especially because these elections brought together the rest of the pieces necessary to effectively launch the full-scale conflagration in which we are now engaged.

Touted as a world-changing, life-altering, earth-shattering “Blue Wave” election by the usual idiots in the corporate and social media oligarchies and declared by the newly seeded Congress to be a referendum on Donald Trump and a mandate from voters for fundamental transformational change (it wasn’t), the very first bill in Congress obliterated two and a half centuries of respect for individual States’ rights to determine methods and memes of conducting elections. Laughably called the “For The People Act”, it fails to specify which people the bill will benefit most. It does suggest it intends to make access to voting more efficient and span a broader section of the population but leaves out the part about the gains Congress will make toward federalizing elections, circumventing the power of the States to determine, as clearly described in the Constitution, how those elections should take place.

It is incumbent upon me to point out that this newly seated Congress was comprised of both your standard, run-of-the-mill liberal Democrats but also a contingent of publicly avowed Marxist Progressive ideologues who, though small in numbers, became very loud radical voices wholly uninterested in decorum, dialogue, tradition, or compromise; the so-called “Squad”, as they came to be known, arrived in Washington with their own mandate which was to dismantle and destroy our governing systems and institutions and transform America into a Progressive Fascist Marxist State. And their numbers grew with the 2020 election of Joe Biden.

Checking back in with our friends at Britannica to better our understanding of what progressivism actually is, let’s start with a quick generic definition: “political and social-reform movement”. It is suggested that progressivism was effectively an ideological reaction to a number of changes taking place in America during the period between the end of the Civil War and 1900, give or take. From Brittanica: “Urbanization and immigration increased at rapid rates and were accompanied by a shift from local small-scale manufacturing and commerce to large-scale factory production and colossal national corporations. Technological breakthroughs and frenzied searches for new markets and sources of capital caused unprecedented economic growth. From 1863 to 1899, manufacturing production rose by more than 800 percent. But that dynamic growth also generated profound economic and social ills that challenged the decentralized form of republican government that characterized the United States.”

Readers may be surprised to learn that the original progressives included names like Teddy Roosevelt – what we used to call a classical liberal – and the motivations of this class of liberals were sincerely inspired by a drive to uplift “the least among us”, protecting and defending them against the excesses of unrestrained government and abuse by the rich and powerful. That particular ‘flavor’ of Progressive ideology had merit; standing up against greater powers with the memes to suppress the working classes, forcing them into slums and squalor while subjecting them to lives of near-poverty in densely populated areas, with little resources to resist, was the righteous thing to do and exemplified what the American spirit had come to represent.

The half century or so that followed the early days of Progressivism brought with it, like so many activist political movements fomenting “radical” change, as Newton’s Second Law instructs us, lost much of its mass and therefore the bulk of its acceleration… It ran out of steam and the fuel to propel it so to speak… But then the 1960s happened on college campuses around the country, and birth was given to a whole new generation of Progressive thought, bringing with it an entirely revamped version of its ideology.

Filling the impressionable minds of the naturally rebellious-minded late teenage brain with romanticized notions of Karl Marx in particular and the ideology of Marxism in general, along with promoting or encouraging political movements grounded in the concept of “standing up to the man” and joining up with the so-called “counter-revolution”, opened the door to a shiny brand-new world of, effectively, Progressivism 2.0. But this new version of Progressivism would not be rooted in the idea that the downtrodden needed help being protected from the excesses of government and the oppression being meted out by the wealthy and the “some several oligarchies” with majority control over the economy.

Rather, we are watching today a form of progressivism working together with the government, in direct cooperation with media and corporate oligarchies to separate classes within the American population, turn them against each other, and cull those subgroups arbitrarily determined to be Unworthy of participation in American society because of their descent and non-compliance with the new standards a progressive ideology. This new social order, not unlike the Fascism of the 1930s and the communism that has continued since that period, comprises the hybrid cocktail I mentioned above and has an interesting recipe.

Choosing to ignore the dark, inconvenient truths of Hitler’s genocidal ambitions and his hatred of Marxism and communism(shared with Mussolini), Today’s Progressives have cherry-picked certain facets of Hitler’s ideology. They embrace, for example, the general tactics and methodologies of his “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” – contrast this with today’s BLM and Antifa, along with activist labor unions and the various protest cottage industries of paid protesters terrorizing everyone from parents to Supreme Court Justices – but they simply ignore his rejection of “rationalism, liberalism, democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and all movements of international cooperation and peace”. On this last item, today’s Progressive fascists wholly embrace and actively pursue the “great reset” concept of globalism and the displacement of American sovereignty.

The modern Progressives, certainly since their rise to power in the midterm elections of 2018, have been framing their own belief system(s) around things Hitler stressed such as “the subordination of the individual to the state, and the necessity of blind and unswerving obedience to leaders appointed from above. This ideology also “emphasized the inequality of humans and races and the right of the strong to rule the weak, sought to purge or suppress competing political, religious, and social institutions, advanced an ethic of hardness and ferocity, and partly destroyed class distinctions by drawing into the movement misfits and failures from all social classes”. [LGBTQ+, “minor-attracted persons, gender dysphorics, and multi-spirited people anyone?] “Although socialism was traditionally an internationalist creed, the radical wing of Nazism knew that a mass base existed for policies that were simultaneously anticapitalist and nationalist.”

Put all of this together, bearing in mind the extent to which the eight years of the Obama Administration had laid much of the groundwork for this “fundamental transformational change”, sprinkle in a little Saul Alinsky and Rev.Jeremiah Wright and stir in the unquestionably “unique” nature of the 2019 election and the rise to power of Joe Biden in 2020, and it is plain to see that the three ingredients – Progressivism, Fascism, and Authoritarianism – have all been brought together, fully capable of destroying the Founding Fathers’ version of America, and has been laid at the feet of her citizens.

It is of little consolation that, unlike Hitler or Mussolini, Joe Biden serves primarily as an empty vessel, or frontman, for the group of people behind the scenes who are really responsible for what’s being done to the country. That he is swirling in his own scandal(s) certainly weakens him to some degree but, shielded by his various law enforcement agencies and propped up by media enclaves that are, themselves, protected by Chinese “speculators” makes difficult the task for the American people of turning this collection of challenges around and beginning the process of taking back the promise of the American nation through its Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. And to be soberly honest, with the depth and breadth of the damage that has been done over the last several decades, a return to 1788 is not only unlikely but would not necessarily serve the greater purpose of learning from our mistakes and doing a better job a preventing this sort of thing from happening again, at least anytime soon.

Bringing this to a close, let’s start by looking back at Newton one last time. His third law of motion suggests that “there is an equal and opposite reaction for every action”. In a political context, this suggests that the American people must rise up against the actions of Progressive Fascism in the same unflinching way that it was put upon us; incrementally, one election at a time – at every level, from dog catcher to Representative, Senator and President- people of every political party and persuasion must put aside petty philosophical differences and vote, not for the same person you’ve always voted for or the one whose name you recognize from Fox or CNN, but vote in the name of preserving the American Nation itself.

The Founding Fathers, during their own period of “sustaining thorough and well-reasoned reflection and most honest and vigorous debates”, developed and codified a society and system of governance that put the citizens in charge, collectively, of how the nation should be run and who – and under which circumstances- people would be elevated to positions of authority and the extent to which their power could be exercised within the confines and constraints of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. And while this system of governance had been successful for nearly two and a half centuries, the rise and evolution of Progressive Fascism have managed to lay to waste all that has been accomplished in a matter of two decades or so.

As the Founders said in the Declaration of Independence, “let Facts be submitted to a candid world”. Accordingly, let’s reflect for a moment on our current state of affairs and consider the forces currently allied against the American people. The Progressive Fascist investments in destroying the nuclear family, breaking up social order and cohesion into separate racially defined groups, and segregating the population according to rank, class, gender identity, sexual proclivity and orientation are destroying American society. As well, they are demonizing citizens espousing a dissenting opinion from that of the ruling Authority, violating their constitutional rights to freedom of speech and canceling them, or removing their access to the public forum solely for the purposes of punishing their political persuasions or associations. These sorts of aggressions have accomplished much of the tasks frequently associated with Roman Emperor Julius Caesar who is said to have held to the winning strategy of “divide and conquer”.

To put a finer point on this, consider the timeline of events that followed the seating of the first term in Congress that included the Progressive Fascist contingent (Jan. 2019). Eleven months later (December 12, 2019) the first case of Covid-19 was identified in the Hubei Province, in the city of Wuhan China. Just about a month later President Trump issued a travel ban from China, and there was an immediate outcry from Liberals and Progressives alike, calling him a racist and a xenophobe, and basically a Fascist dictator.

Within 30 days, school closures began, and the introduction of mask mandates, social distancing, and shelter-in-place orders got underway. Following shortly thereafter, Business shutdowns put the finishing touches on a complete shutdown of the entire country. And as bad as all of this chaos, fear, panic, and complete takeover by Governors was – using emergency powers – the Bill of Rights was torn into little pieces and run through a shredder while we were just trying to find a way to survive the crisis. And, for all the trauma that came to the American people at this point, this was nothing compared to what happened next.

On May 25, 2020, Progressive Fascists found and took full advantage of their opening to make their final push to destroy the country. Career criminal George Floyd, caught in the act of committing yet another crime, was killed at the hands of police responding to the call and at that moment the world was forever changed, and the door to Progressive Fascism was swung wide open allowing in the first wave of foot soldiers that would bring this country to its knees. Literally. I am as sure as I can be that, a generation from now when impartial historians reflect on the first half of the 21st Century, it will be widely agreed that Floyd’s death was the final match that ultimately lit the fuse and detonated the explosion of America’s self-destruction.

Beginning on the day of Biden’s inauguration, with coals and embers of the riots, destruction, violence, injury, and death that followed Floyd’s death still smoldering, our alleged Democratic representative Republic has been under siege. First, it was the destruction of the energy sector with the goal being to replace it with something that doesn’t work but will be controlled by Progressive climate ideologues. Then it was the destruction of our national sovereignty by opening the border gates and waving a sea of foreign humanity across our borders and into the interior, along with enough drugs to kill the entire US population two or three times over, which has resulted in crime (and drug overdose) rates that are now at historic levels. Now we are facing the worst economy in 40 years, the weaponization of federal law enforcement which has turned against parents, persecuted and purged political opponents and dissenters, and has classified the opposing political party – Republicans – as domestic terrorists and enemies of the state. Hitler and Mussolini are fist-bumping in their graves.

It is easy enough to suggest that all hope is lost, America is doomed, and all that lies ahead is tyranny and oppression. I have my moments, and I’m quite sure you, dear reader, have yours. But whenever I get to the edge of that precipice and look down into the abyss what always pulls me back from the edge every time is reminding myself of the great shoulders upon which we all stand. As I said earlier, our forefathers had the courage and will to reject and rise up against the tyranny and despotism of their King and his corrupt Parliament because they were inspired and encouraged by their faith and belief in the people standing on either side of them in the fight. They understood that the strength of the foundation upon which a nation is built is found in those who defend and sustain it with the investment of their own blood and personal sacrifice that a nation is nourished and sustains itself in order to survive and thrive.

We have been here before, and here we are once more; the midterm elections 2022 will deliver 1 of 2 outcomes. Either we begin our final descent, nose down, into the ‘Valley of the shadow of national death’ or it will mark our first step back from the edge of the abyss and headlong into the fight against the tyrants and the despots. It’s an individual, personal choice, but I’m going down swinging.


An Engineer and Educator by trade, David has been a writer, developer, and accomplished web designer/administrator for more than 20 years. Descended from a long line of Appalachians, on the McCoy side of the feud, he was raised in a God-centric and American pride-influenced home in which kindness, human decency, humility, grace, self-respect, and good manners were expected and enforced. Blinded by three strokes and no longer able to read or write, David developed methods to compensate for these challenges in order to continue communicating; while acknowledging that there is more life in his rear-view mirror than whatever lies ahead through the front windshield, he insists this doesn't mean he has nothing left to say.

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