Essential American Wisdom

Human Sense: Closing Arguments

Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, the defining inspiration for the creation of this pamphlet, Human Sense, was written to put before the Common Man a simple question: Should the American colonists reconcile...

Human Sense: Pt. II – On The Governed, Section II

While it is true that the world has vastly changed since the days of 1776, now more technically advanced than could have ever been imagined back then, has it gotten better? It is obvious that the worlds of...

Human Sense: Pt. II – On The Governed-1st o4 4

Of the things that might be said about our species, the last surviving species of the genus Homo, what we know cannot be summed up in an introductory paragraph any more than could the sum total of what has...

Editor’s pick

Human Sense: Pt. I – On The Governing

Humankind is arguably the most enigmatic species on Earth; the greater our successes with individual sovereignty, freedom, and liberty, relying on our inherent free will-driven pursuits of living self-determinate lives...

This week’s hottest

Blessed Are The Humble

No matter which side of the ideological fence you identify yourself as being aligned with (unless you have just crawled out from underneath a rock), the current state Humanity finds itself in can only be described as a...

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