Some Spring Cleaning
Greetings! As I write this, Easter, 2023, has just gone by, and now that Spring is finally here, it feels like a good time to share a few updates with those who subscribe to...
Going On The Virtual “Road”
I am proud (and relieved, quite frankly) to announce that my contributing author "Vasa," and I, have finally reached the end of a 10-month journey during which the two of us wrote a...
Two Old Boomers Walked Into An Appalachian Saloon…
We would very much like your assistance
A Necessarily – Amiss Christmas Missive
Note: This was first published on Christmas Eve of 2009. The world is dramatically different now. This year, 2020, we are suffering through a pandemic, harsh and seemingly punitive lockdowns, school and business closures, and a subtle yet brewing social, civil, and cultural war. The message this essay intends to convey, however, is timeless.