“Their Majesties the Mob” and Liberal Hypocrisies of Vigilantism
The answer to any conundrum begins with a unified theory
The title is from a book published in 1960, while Eisenhower was still president, that...
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Insurrection-They Called In Sick
With thousands of soldiers and miles of razor wire surrounding the building, they can't do their jobs?
“The Gun IS Civilization” by Maj L Caudill (USMC Ret)
This essay comes via the website of Fr John Peck, and his website, The Orthodox Church of Tomorrow, of Sun City, Arizona. In the...
Howard Roark’s Speech at his Trial from “The Fountainhead”, 1949, Ayn Rand
5 Min 36 sec,
“Thousands of years ago, the first man discovered how to make fire. He was probably burned at the stake he had...
Promiscuity and Profanity, a Commentary of Modern LGBTQIA
Mark Twain was apparently a notorious swearer. Since he didn’t use such language in his writings (wasn’t permitted in his day) we have no...
Is it Time for the Old God to Take Control Again?
(originally published in July, 2020)
I’m talking here about the God who started it all, from teaching Man to domesticate grains to feed himself and...
Why Did Jesus Only Preach to the Little People?
Or, Organizing Government from the Top Down; Is Jesus for it, or against it?
This is an exercise in logic.
My friend, JadedbyPolitics, editor at UnifiedPatriots.com, and...
Miscarrying Social Justice
"Equality" and "Equity" cannot be reconciled with each other as a practical matter.