Part II, How the Organization Man Went Rogue
Part II
The Gordon Gekko vision (1987) more or less defined the next iteration of Organization Man, which I learned the hard way after returning...
Great Resets: Natural Law, History and Science, Part III
The prevailing thinking since around 1960 has been that ordinary people, of ordinary education and skills, are no longer qualified to be a part...
The J6 Hostage Crisis now at 324 days!
The Iran Hostage Crisis, (Nov 4, 1979- Jan 20, 1981) lasted 444 days, and all national media mentioned it nightly to begin their nightly...
The 11 Words That Killed Freedom
It is generally accepted that the most important words in the Declaration of Independence, if not at least the most well-known, are the first...
Bill Clinton at 75, the Archetype of the Type
Bill Clinton turned 75 in August, born the first year of the Baby Boom generation. (15 months after me.) As you know “Laws of...
A Burgeoning Resurrection & A Turning Tide Of War
Please do take note of my lack of remorse for using such stark terms; your right to terminate an inconvenient life ends where my right to oppose you begins.
Why Did Jesus Only Preach to the Little People?
Or, Organizing Government from the Top Down; Is Jesus for it, or against it?
This is an exercise in logic.
My friend, JadedbyPolitics, editor at, and...
Promiscuity and Profanity, a Commentary of Modern LGBTQIA
Mark Twain was apparently a notorious swearer. Since he didn’t use such language in his writings (wasn’t permitted in his day) we have no...
Miscarrying Social Justice
"Equality" and "Equity" cannot be reconciled with each other as a practical matter.
“Their Majesties the Mob” and Liberal Hypocrisies of Vigilantism
The answer to any conundrum begins with a unified theory
The title is from a book published in 1960, while Eisenhower was still president, that...